In Another Form ( my perverted form )

Comments on the world that I find myself in, my musings on everything else and some photo's i'd like to share.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

I've been a slack ar*e this week, hardly any writings on my blog. So what does happen, i hear you ask (or maybe not..) in the average day of me ? Well I have a fairly traditional 9 to 5 job, except that these days, 9 to 5 means 8'ish to 5'ish, funny how the standard job hours have lengthened over a short length of time. After getting home and rustling up some dinner, if i'm not playing/watching some sport of some kind, or out on the town, I'm more than likely to be here in front of the ol' computer playing some online games, or chatting to friends overseas or.. even writing this, amongst the many projects I'm involved with. Probably doesn't sound too exciting eh ?!

Talking of projects, I'm getting involved in some kind of games community based thing at the moment, though haven't done anything of note for that. I am/is/was in the process of geting some photo's up on this site, which i hope you'd like my loyal readers. Maybe I should add a Podcast or something here (if possible) so you can hear my dulcet tones ? though i haven't got any kind of news broadcasters voice by any means.

Anyone got any mad parties/nights out I can gatecrash this weekend ? Give me something crazy that I can write on this blog!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I think it's great that parts of Adelaide are getting a much needed revamp, new shops and/or new facilities. The new Airport terminal is great, once they iron out the problems with getting the domestic airlines flying from there. Harbourtown has more shops, Main North Road has got a new shopping centre. Spare a thought though for a few other area's I could mention that could do with a lick of paint to say the least..

Arndale shopping centre (no longer owned by Westfield as they went to the greener or should that be bluer ?, pastures of West Lakes). Inside it's getting some new shops but the outside of the building still looks bl**dy ugly and whats with all the second hand stores next to it ?, talk about dragging down the area. Got nothing against second hand stores but they're just located in old drab looking buildings which should have been taken down/refurbished a long time ago. While I'm on the subject, how about another takeaway restaurant apart from "Red Rooster" thats open at night at the same time the Cinema is! (discounting late night shopping Thursdays).

Hindley Street, it's getting there, but still needs some investment, or hurrying up at least with some of the developments. It's no good finishing most of the street and leaving some of it abandoned.

That's all I can think of for now, might come back to this topic later.
The government seems to be ramming those new "Workplace agreement" laws in our face at the moment. I've seen the adverts at least 10 times a night and I don't even watch TV much at the moment. On the outset the laws don't seem much different to the current laws, but I'm not in favour of bargaining away basic rights, like public holidays, in exchange for higher pay. Everyone needs a break now and again, otherwise it's not going to be good for society as a whole.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Seems like I was next on the toothless, sorry "truth" fairys hitlist.. could have been offended if it didn't sound so hilarious :p and to suggest i'm racist.. (against whites apparently! lol) well you couldn't be further from the truth! Anyway thanks for noticing my blog :)

By the way "the truth fairy" runs a blog, see link from, not wasting any more on my blog on them for now (until their next entry no doubt..).. Is this Blog Wars ?!

Friday, October 21, 2005

The year must be flying by.. Christmas decorations going up already, I swear it's only October, hang on.. it is only October !!, has the world gone mad! I was actually thinking of putting the Christmas tree up soon and then realised it's 2 months still...!
It's finally the weekend and after a few eventful nights drinking last weekend I've decided to take it easy for this one. When it came round to Monday I was too tired to start the working week well and it was only by mid week that I started to feel a bit more human again. Maybe it's the thought of going to work that was making me tired though, my search for something else continues...

Been reading a few of the other blogs around and I'm not sure who this nutter "the Truth Fairy" is, I guess they've either got a warped sense of humour or like having a go at people, or both for that matter. Some of what they say can raise an ironic chuckle but criticising and ripping off other peoples blogs, all from Adelaide too, isn't really fair. At least pick on the blogs of people from Victoria or some place else!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Was it something I said... on my blog ?

I guess that's the thing with blogs, you can tend to open up a bit and say things that maybe some people don't want to hear or are shocked/annoyed with and which portrays you as a different person to one that maybe they thought you were ?

Anyway... I'm sorry for anything I said that was misunderstood or offended anyone, try not to do it again.. at least until tommorrow!
Computer jobs in Adelaide suck.. discuss

I swear there's more to life than being stuck programming in front of a computer doing similar tasks day-in/day-out with no variation whatsoever. In variation I'm talking about, ooh maybe attend a meeting now and again, meet with users, even going to another desk..

At the moment my only excuse for getting up from that same old grey looking desk is to go to the toilet or get a cup of tea. In my time at this place I've noticed that I've been drinking more tea than ever before and my bladder seems to want to go toilet in increasing frequency (one could argue due to the increased cups of tea!!).

Social interaction! how I long for that during a day, but no.. it's stick your headphones on and code away, the sound of sweet music in the headphones the only way to reduce the monotony of the day.

How I've dreamt of one day owning my own company and creating an office environment that's creative, interesting and therefore, surely, more productive. Alas, finance committments mean that's not a reality for now, but as soon as I win that million dollar lotto... * yep i'd probably retire with the money but anyway..

Is this blog making sense ? does anyone share my frustrations or do you love that grey drap medically numbing environment that greets you every day ? then again you probably have more sense and are not a programmer.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Tired, grumpy, need a holiday quick.. basically your average Monday morning, unless you're one of those people that actually likes their job, or as a minimum, finds it interesting. I'm one of those people that when they stay somewhere for a long time (2 years +) gets a bit restless and combine that with no real holiday in 18 months, is something of nightmare combination for me.

Thankfully having a holiday next month and it can't come soon enough, Gold Coast here I come! :) Anyone been there and recommend what to do/see, what are the best theme parks to go to and how to avoid those crazy schoolies as i've found out that I'm arriving right at the end of Schoolies week!!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

I swear i must have "leper" written on the back of my shirt, or something along those lines, got chatting to some decent blokes at the house party tonight and a few girls, one of which i knew before through a friend, but all the others didn't seem to have the urge to approach me. I think i looked pretty normal today, well dressed, friendly looking.. but alas maybe i wasn't quite trendy enough or in the right "crowd".

Now discovered that me and English/Australian girls just doesn't mix, me and Asian girls, fine, they either love me or hate me, least it's one or the other, but me and English/Australian girls (counting both British and Australian here as i've been in both countries) it's a general indifference... i'm either Mr Average or Mr Below Average... do I look too Greek/Italian looking ?, though I've a British background or am I just plain average to you white girls out there ?!. Give me your comments so I can see where I'm either going wrong or let me know that I can't do anything about it, it's all my parents fault!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It seems my initial over enthusiasm for blogging died off a bit this last week, what with work being more boring than normal not to mention kind of busy and the annual pay increase being less than inspiring... hasn't exactly been a fun filled and rewarding week. Though I guess I should be thankful that my pay is at least heading upwards as when I first arrived here it seemed to head downwards for a few years!

On the subject of work/career, I only hope that with the new airport, think i've plugged it enough now..., more big name companies decide to invest and employ people here in Adelaide. I'm getting a bit sick of each agency I go to recommending/putting me forward for the same jobs. I swear there's only 2 I.T jobs doing the rounds in Adelaide at the moment, one in the Defence industry and one with a certain big name electrical/air-conditioning company!

Can any computer game companies reading this, unlikely.. but you never know... come to Adelaide, even if you pay us peanuts (almost) we'll come and work for you. I can only dream of a creative and programming job here in Adelaide!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Today was one of those days where all my best laid plans were almost ruined by the guy upstairs (and that's not my house in case you were wondering!)...

Went to see the "groovy" new Adelaide airport, very impressive, big, two storeys, plenty of boarding gates and walkways to the airplanes (finally!). Unfortunately the planned airshow on the day was cancelled due to the extremely windy weather.. (1 nil to the guy upstairs).

I now play soccer fairly regularly on Saturdays, so wandered back from the airport in time to go soccer, weather then went into ballistic crazy mode and poured of rain with wild winds for the next half hour to render that cancelled too (2 nil to the guy upstairs). Of course now it's sunny, blue skies and perfect conditions...

Well... when I decided to head off for soccer, I left some mates playing soccer (on console) in my house.. as it got cancelled whilst on the way to the city I headed back thinking, oh well at least we can play some more games... They'd gone already... reason... friggin' power cut in my house!!
(3 and then 4 nil, complete victory to the guy upstairs).

So I decided to get some sleep...

Woke up and power back.. hurrah!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Crazy weather we've been getting at the moment, one day warm, next day all the heavens open up again! Combined with the fact I've not had enough sleep, plus played a bit too much online gaming last night, I feel physically drained and my right hand doesn't even feel like typing much!

I bet this weekend is going to go quick, especially after the long weekend last week. Weathers going to be crap so hopefully will spend as much of it tucked up in bed and watching dvds as i possibly can, me lazy ?, nah!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

It's official, i'm officially tired and sleepy and want to go home.. Doing exercise at lunchtimes seems like a good idea, until when you come back! I'm hoping one day I feel fit, or at least vaguely fit..

Just checked my blog and nobody loves me either, 0 comments.. what did i do/say ?!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Interesting Discussion Forum

Not advocating drug use or anything here, but if you’re interested in reading serious and not so serious discussions on life in general, you might like to check out

Couldn’t help but check out the “Birthday suit thread” in the “Lounge” area on the forums!


Quick apologies for disappearing mid-chat when chatting to some people online, had a few phone calls/visitors recently, which is unusual for me! Didn’t make it back to the computer until the following day.    

Blogging in Word

The blogger Microsoft Word Add-in is definitely a good idea, especially if you’re trying to disguise the fact that you are adding to your blog, when, ahem.. you shouldn’t be…

Overall it has been a quiet start to the week, still a lot of people on holiday (if only I was one of them) since the long weekend here, though all the kids are on holiday which makes for a hectic Rundle Mall at lunchtime. Note to self: forget going to KFC/Macca’s for a while.. get healthy food and therefore, less kids in the queue.

Have continued the momentum of having a bit of a social life, hoping that it will continue for a while this time, at least before everyone decides to move interstate again (which seems to happen yearly). I know (and believe me.. I KNOW!) there’s not always that many jobs here but surely it’s nice to be living somewhere near your family ? Back home, in England, if I moved to another city at least I could visit my folks once a month maybe but here, I only seem to see some people interstate once a year! Might as well be living in another country!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Wish I could figure out how to delete comments on here...

Overall it's been a good public holiday weekend here, got some much needed rest (and sleep!), did some exercise (soccer of course) and had a few drinks, ok.. more than a few drinks..
The thought of waking up tommorrow and going into work where I don't feel particulary wanted at the moment though, isn't really appealing to me.

I swear when companys plan their IT departments they think all programers want to sit in dark corners typing away all day... well news to them "architects", we're NOT all nerdy guys with no social skills.. so pls consider us too!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Things I've discovered in the last few days...

Packing up your PC and all the associated wires and stuff to go to gaming LAN, sit on an uncomfortable chair, whilst not knowing anybody else there, maybe wasn't the smartest move. Did have fun playing a few games but overall the effort/uncomfortableness probably wasn't worth it.

Sticking with a job, where you're supposed to create perfect code all the time, where you're stuck at the same desk all day, don't get to go to meetings very often and really, offers virtually no social interaction, whilst being given tedious tasks to do for a subject matter that doesn't interest you, probably also isn't worth staying with.

Yeah it's late, I'm writing this at 4am, but I thought I'd write here whilst I've kind of realised over the last few days what is and isn't for me. I can try as much as I want but if something isn't right then it still won't be right in a months time...