In Another Form ( my perverted form )

Comments on the world that I find myself in, my musings on everything else and some photo's i'd like to share.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

I know Christmas is coming up fast.. but there seems to be an awful lot of Adelaide bloggers that have either disappeared or at least got a lot quieter recently. Even I'm a bit guilty of that, even though I shouldn't feel guilty as it's not like people are paying to read this ?! Still.. I feel I should offer a service to those loyal readers who are reading about the events, or lack of events, in my life at the moment.

So.. this week was spent working during the week and looking for other jobs during the lunchbreaks. Something interesting and with more money would be my main criteria's!

I really should put some photo's up on my blog, better get that digital camera and/or webcam out.. will display the results over the next few weeks!


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