In Another Form ( my perverted form )

Comments on the world that I find myself in, my musings on everything else and some photo's i'd like to share.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

I swear i must have "leper" written on the back of my shirt, or something along those lines, got chatting to some decent blokes at the house party tonight and a few girls, one of which i knew before through a friend, but all the others didn't seem to have the urge to approach me. I think i looked pretty normal today, well dressed, friendly looking.. but alas maybe i wasn't quite trendy enough or in the right "crowd".

Now discovered that me and English/Australian girls just doesn't mix, me and Asian girls, fine, they either love me or hate me, least it's one or the other, but me and English/Australian girls (counting both British and Australian here as i've been in both countries) it's a general indifference... i'm either Mr Average or Mr Below Average... do I look too Greek/Italian looking ?, though I've a British background or am I just plain average to you white girls out there ?!. Give me your comments so I can see where I'm either going wrong or let me know that I can't do anything about it, it's all my parents fault!!


  • At Sun Oct 16, 10:45:00 am, Blogger Ms Smack said…

    I recommend stop trying to fit in and just be yourself. If thats not good enough for them, then at least you havent sold yourself out, and its their loss.

  • At Sun Oct 16, 11:12:00 am, Blogger pirategirl said…

    nah, we're just petty picky and pathetic individuals which to be honest are really not worth the effort in understanding.
    we're just adept at making life difficult.
    I cant speak for others, but generally if someone's not tryin to be involved - like theyre just being themselves and are comfortable in their own skin - then hey, im cool with them.
    Anyone that wouldnt want you to be yourself around them isnt worth making friends with - thats what i've found anyway.
    Me, i dont give a flying fuck what anyone thinks, if i want to sing Just Keep Swimming from Finding Nemo on my way out of the Missy Higgins/Ben Lee gig lastnite, then dammit i will...
    ...and did...
    and just you should, I 'pffted' at anyone that objected.

  • At Sun Oct 16, 08:32:00 pm, Blogger Sairento said…

    Thanks everyone for your comments, definitely sounds like good advice to be myself, was trying to but i guess i got a bit frustrated in the end.

    At least by going to different things I get to know where and with who I feel comfortable with. Can't fit in everywhere I guess.


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