In Another Form ( my perverted form )

Comments on the world that I find myself in, my musings on everything else and some photo's i'd like to share.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Blogging in Word

The blogger Microsoft Word Add-in is definitely a good idea, especially if you’re trying to disguise the fact that you are adding to your blog, when, ahem.. you shouldn’t be…

Overall it has been a quiet start to the week, still a lot of people on holiday (if only I was one of them) since the long weekend here, though all the kids are on holiday which makes for a hectic Rundle Mall at lunchtime. Note to self: forget going to KFC/Macca’s for a while.. get healthy food and therefore, less kids in the queue.

Have continued the momentum of having a bit of a social life, hoping that it will continue for a while this time, at least before everyone decides to move interstate again (which seems to happen yearly). I know (and believe me.. I KNOW!) there’s not always that many jobs here but surely it’s nice to be living somewhere near your family ? Back home, in England, if I moved to another city at least I could visit my folks once a month maybe but here, I only seem to see some people interstate once a year! Might as well be living in another country!


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