In Another Form ( my perverted form )

Comments on the world that I find myself in, my musings on everything else and some photo's i'd like to share.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

"An Englishman in Adelaide"... sing to the tune of "Englishman in New York".

Maybe its being homesick, or getting old(er) or serious lack of football/soccer (god damn it.. call it football now that it's officially called that here too! - please note "The Advertiser" and while you're at it... pls mention my team occasionally too, they're in the top half u know!! not just Chelski/Man Utd/any team with an Australian football player in it) but I feel as lost as the people in "Lost" the TV programme, ok maybe not quite as bad as that and no scarey monsters around but u get the idea..!

Was asked today if I've been to "Cargo" (club i think), thankfully vaguely remember it being in the West End part of town, otherwise it could have been about Cargo pants for all i'd know. I know more names of Churches here than names of clubs/nights to go to and I'm not even religious...! This past year or so has been about getting a house and to be honest not a hell of a lot else.. My social circle has diminished, friends going interstate etc etc.. but before you bring out the violins for me, I want to do something about it god dammit..! So any suggestions/invites pls pass my way :)

Now you know why I've got so much time to do a blog! :p


  • At Tue Sept 20, 05:53:00 pm, Blogger pirategirl said…

    haha ok next gig i go to you're welcome to come too and we can make notes about how sucky/great they are to blog about later.
    by the way i hate the whole word verification thingo in these comments!

  • At Tue Sept 20, 07:47:00 pm, Blogger Sairento said…

    cool, thanks for that, check your email by the way if you haven't already! :)

    will get rid of the word verification thing too, guess i shouldn't get much spam i hope ?!

  • At Wed Sept 21, 04:20:00 pm, Blogger pirategirl said…

    uh yeah i guess you would get much spam :P
    haloscan comments are so much better!


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