In Another Form ( my perverted form )

Comments on the world that I find myself in, my musings on everything else and some photo's i'd like to share.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Jealousy... that's not good is it ?! Seems like with every day that goes by at the moment I'm jealous of somebody else, whether it's the group of work colleagues/friends having lunch together (and it's not even a FRIDAY!.. sarcastic tone on there..), the severely (and i mean severely) tanned girl who came back from holidays, or hell.. even good ol' "ReverendTimothy", where/when was that international presentation thing, damn!

Ahh back in the good old days.. (a few workplaces ago) where a group of us had lunch most days and yep especially on Fridays.. I had all my mates from Uni to hang out with and I knew where the best clubs were to hang out at, or a few of them at least. Then I moved to Adelaide.. just read a survey that Brits are Aussies favourite "foreigner", come on then people.. make me feel welcome ?!, where is the love (cue the Black Eyed Pea's song.. ) ?! :) Ahh maybe it's the time of year, bring on the sun!

On a different and altogether more disturbing subject, just heard that some (crazy) guy has been throwing punches at random women around town, what the hell ?!, what have they done to him, at least he should pick on someone his own size, how about that Sydney Swans player that got let off ?!

Nobody told me it was warm today at lunchtime and I wore a coat, what a fool i felt!


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